Hey loves! It's been a while since I posted a week ahead message. I received 2 new Oracle decks this week though and could not resist sharing some guidance with you.
So where have I been? I've had a few things going on at home and with my health. I'm chronically asthmatic to quite a severe degree and this time of year is one of the worst for me with all the pollen around. I've also been on a major detox of caffeine and bread with the help of some Angelic healing and cord cutting, but that is for a different post.
This week I am using the White Rabbit Oracle by Arianna Siegal. I will post a review of this quirky little deck soon.

I can't have you peeking at the reveal just yet and influencing your choice as you know;) so here's a quote to fill the space for a moment. This is a free printable from Asparkleofgenius.com

And here is our cards revealed. Kindred Spirits, Healing and Splendor.

Kindred Spirits - Spend some time with those you love and who set your soul alight this week. Call that friend you've not seen in a while, go on that lunch date, join that local hobby group. Get out there and enjoy yourself with those who 'get you'. Sometimes a chat with your best friend is all the therapy you need. Remember also that those you are connected to on that spiritual level never truly leave you. They are always with us.
Healing - This is card is pretty self explanatory. You need to take a little tine out and focus on your own needs this week. Whatever it is you need to heal, be it physical, mental or emotional go gently on yourself, you deserve the compassion and care you show to others. Accept an offer of help or the chance to forgive an old hurt.
Splendor - When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought 'Damn you're gorgeous/sexy/hot?' If its been a while why is that? If you were drawn to this card your card your guides want to draw attention to the beauty in your life, including your own, inner and outer. Celebrate your awesomeness. You're worth it.
I hope you have a wonderful week. I'd love to know if these messages resonate for you now or over the next few days,