This post is part of the International Tarot Day 2017 Blog Hop organised by Nyms Divinaton. I hope you enjoyed Diana Chin at Red Lotus Designz talking on The Lovers card. If you've not read it yet, hop on over!

Sandra x
I've never taken part in a Blog Hop before. The idea of 78 bloggers each writing about a different card in their own unique style and voice intrigued me though and I signed up straight away. Then one morning, the fateful email arrived. The card allocation list! It was the moment of truth.
Which card had I been given to write on? I scanned the list and found my name. My heart sank. Oh. The Chariot. It had to be. The Chariot and I have never really got along. I've never quite grasped it fully, nor felt any desire to. It's a card I just don't like very much. I even ended up leaving this post rather late in my Charioty avoidance!
It also happens to be both my Soul Card and Personality Card for this lifetime, the same goes for my husband. It likes to pop up quite regularly in my life. I think its pretty clear my aversion to the card and avoidance of study of it is because it has something important to teach me. Something my subconscious isn't overly keen on being taught perhaps. Having been a somewhat spoiled eldest child there's not a lot I do enjoy being taught mind.
I decided it was time to try to get to the bottom of my feelings of indifference and coldness towards the Chariot or at least improve my relationship with the card. It was time for a word with my inner charioteer about what she wants to teach me and how we can move forward together.
With this in mind I made a little spread which I will share here along with my reading from it.

I drew the Chariot card from my deck and focused on it while I shuffled.
How can I better connect with my inner charioteer? Judgement. I can better connect with her by continuing to listen to my calling and internal GPS as it were. I have felt recently that I am being called in a certain direction in my life. It makes sense to connect my charioteer here of course as she is symbolic of my will and drive to reach my goals. I am in a Judgement year currently so it is the ideal time to be focusing on my direction and where I want my path to take me next.
What is her main lesson for me? 6 of Swords. As I'm typing this I can hear in my head Jim Morrison singing Roadhouse Blues. 'Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel'! and well, I do have issues with staying focused. I get here that my charioteer's main lesson for me is to focus on the future and stop worrying about the past and what may, or may not have happened there. I need to move with the tides of life and allow myself room to grow or I will find myself drowning.
In what part of my life do I most need her message? 4 of Wands.
The first thing that came to mind when I saw this card here was 'home' but I think it is a little more than that. A lot of my past focusing previously mentioned is around issues stemming from my personal boundaries, sense of power, belonging and family. This I will need to explore deeper in my own time but it is definitely a place I have a lot of healing to do.
I will be giving this reading a good mulling over and perhaps making some journal notes on it too. I do feel I know the Chariot and what it means for me a little better now though. Have you charmed your charioteer? If you try the spread for yourself, let me know.
That's all from me. Have a wonderful International Tarot Day however you spend it. If you'd like to carry on blog hopping, the next post up is all about the Strength card by Rhi Etzweiler at the Haus of Rhi.
Tarot on!