This post will be part of a series for beginner readers to help as you get started on your Tarot journey.
Here are some of my personal keywords for the Major Arcana cards. It is a good idea to add your own and leave any of mine, or anyone else's, keywords that do not resonate with you. Remember, keywords are not rules or facts, they are intuitive triggers and memory prompts only.
Overtime as your relationship with each card develops your keywords will evolve.
The Fool - Potential, Innocence, New Beginnings
The Magician - Individuality, Talent, Will
The High Priestess - Intuition, Instinct, Secrets
The Empress - Creativity, Manifestation, Nurture
The Emperor - Boundaries, Leadership, Control
The Hierophant - Community, Tradition, Institution
The Lovers - Choice, Harmony, Higher Self
The Chariot - Determination, Emotional Intelligence , Self Discipline
Strength - Dignity, Compassion , Inner Strength
The Hermit - Reflection, Teaching, Wisdom
Wheel of Fortune - Luck, Cycles, Uncertainty
Justice - Fairness, Order , Universal Balance
The Hanged Man - New Perspective, Suspension, Delay
Death - Endings, Release, Transformation
Temperance - Moderation , blending, compromise
The Devil - Lower Self, Ego, Addictions
The Tower - Shock, Upheaval , catharsis
The Star - Healing, Hope, Self Belief
The Moon - Illusion, Dream State, Confusion
The Sun - Joy, Freedom, Happiness
Judgement - Calling, Rebirth
The World - Completion, End of Journey.
Next week I will start to look at the suits in turn, beginning with Cups.
Have a fabulous weekend,